Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation


Our mission is to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage.

We provide funding for Permanent Land Protection and Land Conservation, Habitat Stewardship and Enhancement, Research for wildlife management, and Hunting Heritage Projects.

Our Vision is to be the best membership-based conservation organization and to be exemplary stewards of our funds, for the benefit of hunters, elk, and other wildlife and their habitat. We value stewardship and taking a science-based approach to the management of our wildlife. We see ourselves in a leadership role within the conservation world. Our purpose is to advocate for the collective interests of our membership, as hunters and conservationists, on the issues pertaining to elk and hunting, and other wildlife and their habitat.

Since our inception in 1984, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has completed more than 13,806 projects and conserved or enhanced more than 8.6 million acres of land. (1.4 million acres protected and 7.2 million acres enhanced). We have also opened up over 1.5 million acres to public access. This has all happened across 49 states and our funds have helped leverage an additional $1.5 billion in conservation partnership dollars. 

We are an organization that is built on volunteers. We have more than 500 chapters nationwide supporting more than 12,000 volunteers that help with the fundraising efforts. We have a membership base that is 225,000+ strong and that gives us a strong voice. Volunteers have made the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation one of the most successful wildlife conservation organizations in the world by committing their time, talents and energy to the RMEF’s mission to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage. We are committed to continuing to be the leading force in conservation into the future.