Glenn Brackett, a renowned fly-rod maker and devoted fisherman, traces his passion for angling back to his formative years spent fishing with his father and grandfather. He would often visit the Winston Rod Company during his youth, first around eight years old with his grandfather. As his father’s woodworking business was nearby, he would continue frequenting the shop until finishing college, immersing himself in the world of rod-making. After acquiring some equipment from his grandfather, as well as scrounging up equipment from friends, neighbors, and old fishermen, Glenn explored woodwork as well as built rods for himself as a child. This early exposure laid the foundation for a lifelong dedication to the craft.
Decades later, after retiring early from his career as a fisheries biologist, Glenn fulfilled a dream by acquiring the company. He dedicated himself fully not only to building custom bamboo rods but also to preserving and passing on the traditions handed down to him by master craftsmen such as Lew Stoner, Doug Merrick, Gary Howells, and several other Western builders. Drawing from their vision, Glenn continued to blend quality workmanship into practical tools that could cover a vast array of fishing opportunities and express the true spirit of fly fishing.
In the mid-1970s, Tom Morgan and Glenn relocated the Winston Rod Company to Twin Bridges, Montana, drawn by the allure of exceptional fishing and the belief that Montana would inspire the tangible perfection they sought in rods tailored for fly anglers. Although Glenn eventually parted ways with his namesake company, he continues to contribute to the world of rod-making today through his company Sweetgrass Rods in Butte, where the Sweetgrass “Boo Boys” craft some of the finest bamboo fly rods in the world.
Glenn’s work epitomizes dedication to preserving the craft, with 5,000 rods built over his 50-year career. Collaborating with growers in China, he secures the highest quality bamboo cane available. Once the choice Arundinaria amabilis arrives, it undergoes a 15-20 hour process that begins with meticulous hand-splitting, machine beveling, and oven treatment to achieve a uniform honey-amber color. Each strip is then tapered, with subsequent strips glued together with opposing nodes. The resulting blanks are left to cure until chosen for individual rod orders, which can be made into any of the 135 configurations Sweetgrass offers. Of these models, Glenn’s favorite rod to produce is the 7’9” 4/5 wt rod, which makes up approximately 40% of the shop’s production. Through the use of traditional methods and materials, Glenn ensures these rods feel alive in the hands of the individual angler, enhancing their fishing experience.
For Glenn, inheriting a tradition brings with it a profound sense of responsibility and commitment to preserving its rich history. He sees bamboo as more than just a material; it is a teacher, imparting lessons of self-discovery and patience. Embracing this ethos, Glenn has passed his expertise and passion to approximately 40 others throughout his career. Through his work, Glenn seeks to leave behind a lasting legacy, one that transcends generations and enriches the world of fly fishing.