Maude Knudsen

Maude-Knudsen 2024 Montana Folklife

The first loom Maude sat down to was threaded to an overshot draft. As a beginner, she let her foot travel across the treadles and watched amazed as the sheds opened and closed – the yarn from the shuttle floating over and under – and a marvelous wavy fabric growing right before her eyes. From her first handwoven pillow cover, Maude’s love for and adventure into weaving has always uncovered something new and exciting. One weave has led to another – before one project was finished, the ideas for new ones had already formed.

Throughout the years and her explorations of many weave structures and types of weaving, Maude’s love and appreciation for weaving and all the weavers who have gone before her has only increased her interest in learning and creating woven pieces in those old historical weaves and also adapting techniques to her new creative woven pieces.

When Maude moved in 1968 to Simms, Montana, a retired school teacher named Hilda Cunningham was teaching a beginning weaving class in her home. Maude thought that might be fun and a good way to get acquainted in the new community, never realizing that weaving would become such a driving force in her life. Hilda was an excellent instructor, and Maude soon realized the possibilities were endless.

Over the last 55 years, Maude has woven so many runners, placemats, rugs, wall hangings, scarves, handbags, vests, jackets, table coverings, and even a coverlet, that she has lost count of the number. She joined the Great Falls Weavers’ Guild in 1969 and served as program chairman and held many offices over the years, setting up and taking many classes. Encouraged by Hilda, Maude started teaching and sharing her knowledge of weaving. She learned to spin and combined her handspun yarns into her weaving.

Maude has received numerous awards and has participated in many shows and associations over the years. In 1988, Maude completed and was juried by the Handweavers Guild of America Certificate of Excellence in Weaving Program and was awarded Master Weaver status. She has also been a past president of the Great Falls Weavers & Spinners Guild, past President of the Montana Association of Weavers & Spinners, Handweaving Superintendent at the Montana State Fair for 10 years, part of the Montana Circle of Masters in 2010, a corporate member of Gallery 16 from 1990 to its closing in 2020, and recognized as a Living Treasure by the Montana Association of Weavers & Spinners in 2022.